Pisa – Sinopie Museum

DSC_4228Across the square from the Camposanto is the Sinopie Museum.  This museum houses the full-scale sketches that were used to create the frescoes inside the Camposanto.  Although it probably receives even fewer visitors than the Camposanto, the museum is certainly a valuable part of your trip to Pisa.

Perhaps the idea of looking at someone’s “rough drafts” sounds boring but I would disagree.  The sketches provide a rare insight into the creative process of great works of art.  I had fun imagining the corrections and little changes that took place as the art progressed to finished product.  The museum itself isn’t huge and can be seen in 30-60 minutes depending upon how much time you spend at each work.

While we were there, the museum had a temporary display of recreated clothing reflecting the attire shown in the frescoes and sketches.  This was a nice bit of icing on the cake.



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